from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

025 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Drink Water and Remember
September 14, 2016

Today's just a short episode. I'm on the road until next week when I can get back into things and come back and share with you my notes on ideas I have for episodes as well as my experiences that I hope you'll find inspiring.

024 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The 12-Step Bodhisattva
August 28, 2016

I've been loosely nicknamed the 12-Step Bodhisattva. This of course has been mostly due to the spiritual choices I've made in association with step 3 of the program of recovery as well as the work I've done with the 12 steps in finding my own personal ...

023 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | A few exercises
August 26, 2016

In this episode I talk about Happiness and if you listen carefully you'll here some exercises to practice. I talk about opening up the aperture, which simply means looking at a bigger picture. Don't focus in on a single event look at the whole day or w...

022 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Influences & The 8-Fold Path
August 26, 2016

I've talked before about influences and that they lead to my thoughts that will drive my emotions and actions etc. ( I>T>E>A>H>C>D). Today I continue this idea and how I've used the Buddha's teaching and that of the 8-fold path of the dharma as the sim...

021 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Limiting Beliefs & Progressive Statements
August 24, 2016

Gratitude again is a foundation that I use when I began to teach myself how to get my head and my heart in alignment. I found the challenge being that many programs we trying to teach me to use positive self affirmations but I needed first to learn how...

020 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Gratitude
August 24, 2016

Gratitude was one of the first principles that I learned when I began the program of recovery. It has been the foundation principal that I have been able to build upon and out from. Discovering things like patience, for me,

019 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | I>T>E>A>H>C>D
August 22, 2016

Through some of the story of my past in a treatment center and recently listening to a positive speaker I revisit the idea that I live by: - Influences (affect) my Thoughts (affect) my Emotions (affect) my Actions (that become) my Habits (that become)...

018 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Forgiving Myself
August 21, 2016

I share my recent story of recovery and growth. How I came through a period of depression to learn a new lesson about how important it is to forgive myself as well as forgive other for the hurt I experienced while I was an addict alcoholic.

017 – What makes me happy?
August 11, 2016

The meditation for today, which simply means something to contemplate, is a story I share about open-mindedness and what makes me happy.

016 – A little of what it was like
August 04, 2016

I had a convo with someone who just couldn’t understand why someone who wanted to quick drinking (or whatever) simply couldn’t so here’s a some of what I told her.