from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

065 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Step 5 and More Gratitude
December 08, 2016

AA is founded on teaching an attitude of gratitude and a large part of why it works. That and the work of step 4 and 5 began to change me and the path that I was on.

064 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Creating Better Habits
December 07, 2016

Today I just share a little about what it was like when I first got out of detox and had my bad habits almost sabotage my success.

063 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Step 2 A power greater than myself
December 06, 2016

AA's step 2 states "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." I used to read God in that step but I learned in the beginning that the power was in the institutions, other people and books, etc.

062 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | I think I’m getting the hang of this
December 05, 2016

As a listener you'll know that I'm new to podcasting but after 60 episodes I think I'm finding my stride. I feel the rhythm that the universe is guiding me into as I become a guest speaker, trainer and an influential voice. -

061 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | A New Way of Life
November 28, 2016

Today I begin this week talking about how I begin my days with a few simple good influences to get me going on the right foot. I also share just a little more about what happened when I finally acknowledged my powerlessness and un-manageability.

060 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | She’ll Be Next
November 23, 2016

In the tradition of AA and the 12 Steps speakers will share what it was like, what happened and what it's like now. This is what happened for me. Three little words changed the course of my life.

059 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Baby is Born
November 21, 2016

I was trapped within a vicious circle of my own making and then along came a baby and more and more events were causing me to evaluate my life and the un-manageability I was causing.

058 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Events which lead me to see my problem
November 19, 2016

AA step one usually requires everyone to hit their "bottom." Its the circumstances that cause an addict or alcoholic to evaluate their situation recognize their problem and their illness and make a decision to seek help.

057 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Road to Hell is…
November 18, 2016

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. For me this was a vicious circle of events that lead me around and around never finding a solution to my addiction and my problems.

056 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Recognizing My Step One
November 16, 2016

In this episode of my tale I share how I was beginning to see my powerlessness and manageability.