Latest Episodes
Frienedy- Stump the Founders
We asked our users to send us questions that we could read and then answer on the air... The Fri...
Your Digital Reputation- What is it?
Today’s episode covers the difference between public and private social media as well as how and ...
The Frienedy WishList
From birthday lists to wedding and baby showers. From all of the gear needed for a sports team t...
How is Frienedy Different and Why Should I Care?
I know what you're thinking...not ANOTHER app! In this episode, you'll hear exactly why Frienedy...
Frienedy Chix
Find out how women and girls of all ages use Frienedy to keep photos, events, and conversations p...
The Frienedy Story
What is Frienedy, and why is there a need for a new social media platform designed for users of a...