Founding Word

Founding Word

Latest Episodes

Sermon On The Mount: Prayer & Tongues: Doctrines Of Demons
November 03, 2015

In Matthew 6, Jesus gave instructions on how to pray and specifically HOW NOT to pray. He stressed the importance of keeping it private between you and God and the importance of keeping it real without fake platitudes or repetitive phrases. MATTHEW, MARK,

Sermon On The Mount: Kingdom Of Heaven / Kingdom Of God
November 02, 2015

Throughout Matthew's book, the Kingdom Of Heaven is tied directly to the future rule of Jesus over the Earth. Knowing this helps us understand what Jesus meant when he said, The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth. Who are the meek and what is the inheritance? M

Sermon On The Mount: Riches, Food, Laughter & Popularity
October 28, 2015

This is Luke's record of Jesus' Sermon On The Mount. It's much shorter than Matthew's record. In this session, we examine what Luke chose to single out, a list of blessings and woes and a difference between the Kingdom Of God and the Kingdom Of Heaven. MA

Jesus Christ: Lord Of The Sabbath
October 26, 2015

This one's a short and sweet little study. Nothing special except for the great massive throng of people that show up at the end to get healed. Plus it's a lot of fun watching Jesus purposefully spring a Sabbath Trap that the Pharisees tried to lay out fo

Heaven vs Paradise / Hell vs Hades
October 24, 2015

Jesus heals a lame man on the Sabbath day and proclaims equality with God in creation, power, authority and judgement. He introduces a new concept of Passover to the Pharisees and speaks of the dead (in 2 different ways) living after hearing his voice. MA

When A Land Is Overtaken By Demonic Possession
October 16, 2015

When Jesus made his way into Galilee, he was confronted by demon-possessed individuals. When a land becomes filled with the worship of false gods, demonic possession soon overtakes it. We also examine Jesus' proverb of wine and wine-skins. MATTHEW, MARK,

To Gird Our Loins With Truth
October 13, 2015

When quoting 2nd Chronicles 7:14, most Christians focus on prayer while failing to understand what it means to seek God's face. It turns out that seeking God's face can only be accomplished by putting on the Belt of Truth: the foundation layer of Spiritua

The 2000 Year Comma
October 09, 2015

While Jesus was visiting his home town, he made a statement that turned his listeners into an angry mob that seized him to throw him over a cliff, head-first down. Jesus passed through them, probably slipping through a hyperspace as he made his way into C

...And The Adventure Continues
October 08, 2015

Syrian forces begin ground offensives aided by Russian air power while Israel continues to battle against it's latest onslaught of terror violence. After giving Iran everything they wanted, Iranian leaders have banned the United States from any further in

What's Happening To Christianity?
October 07, 2015

While efforts are made from without to remove Christianity's influence upon the culture, efforts are also being made from within to mutate Christianity into an organism that is unrecognizable. Jesus and Paul warned us in Scripture about a form of Christia