Founding Word

Founding Word

Latest Episodes

The Christmas Story
November 10, 2015

We explore why Jesus had to be born of a virgin and then we cover the Christmas Story. We start off with the first angelic encounter by Zachariah, Mary and Joseph and go all the way to Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, announced by an army of angels to nearby sh

Science Explains The Trinity
November 10, 2015

Matthew & Luke surprised us with remarkable structures found in Jesus' genealogy while John introduced the doctrine of Grace and explained Jesus' pre-existence before time and space, which lead us diving into the controversial doctrine of The Trinity. MAT

Round Table Discussion With Chuck Missler
November 10, 2015

Chuck Missler has published audio commentaries for every book of the Bible which are required course materials at Koinonia Institute and other credited Bible colleges and are vital to I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. MP3 Downlo

The Coming Universal Delusion
November 10, 2015

Bible prophesy tends to get painted through quaint-colored glasses but if a film were to be accurately made based upon what's coming, no one would ever suspect it's a Bible story until the climax when we discover we've been rooting for the Antichrist. MP3

The UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon
November 10, 2015

An examination of UFOs and alien abductions from a historical, scientific and Biblical perspective. All sides of the debate are covered including the possibility of fallen angels. The Bible reports that these activities have happened before. MP3 Download

The Science Of God And His Word
November 10, 2015

Exploring modern science, physics, astronomy and cosmology to determine the existence of a hyper-dimensional creator and then using those discoveries to prove which human written manuscript could only be a message to the Earth from the Creator Himself. MP

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
November 06, 2015

An Abraham Lincoln quote from his House Divided Speech was actually quoted first by Jesus in Matthew 12. After healing a mute demoniac, religious leaders accused Jesus of working for Beelzebub: The Prince Of Demons. The response Jesus gave was priceless.

The Outer Darkness
November 05, 2015

One of the most widely misunderstood quotes from Jesus is found in Matthew 8 where he speaks of casting children of the kingdom into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. What does that mean? He's not talking about Hell. MATTHE

Lucifer Rising
November 04, 2015

The Church of Lucifer opened it's doors on Halloween Night and marked a pivotal shift in the direction of America's spiritual history. This leads us to discuss: Who gives Satan his authority and by what protocols is he granted permission to do his worst?

Sermon On The Mount: Seeking First The Kingdom Of God
November 03, 2015

Jesus touched upon several key doctrines that have become infamously quoted out of context on many occasion, JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED being among them. We'll explain all of these in context of Jesus' sermon, distinguishing fact from cliche'. MATTHEW, M