Founding Word

Founding Word

Latest Episodes

Jesus Christ: Lord Of The Sabbath
August 12, 2016

This one's a short and sweet little study. Nothing special except for the great massive throng of people that show up at the end to get healed. Plus it's a lot of fun watching Jesus purposefully spring a Sabbath Trap that the Pharisees tried to lay out fo

Heaven vs Paradise / Hell vs Hades
August 05, 2016

Jesus heals a lame man on the Sabbath day and proclaims equality with God in creation, power, authority and judgement. He introduces a new concept of Passover to the Pharisees and speaks of the dead (in 2 different ways) living after hearing his voice. MA

When A Land Is Overtaken By Demonic Possession
July 29, 2016

When Jesus made his way into Galilee, he was confronted by demon-possessed individuals. When a land becomes filled with the worship of false gods, demonic possession soon overtakes it. We also examine Jesus' proverb of wine and wine-skins. MATTHEW, MARK,

The 2000 Year Comma
July 22, 2016

While Jesus was visiting his home town, he made a statement that turned his listeners into an angry mob that seized him to throw him over a cliff, head-first down. Jesus passed through them, probably slipping through a hyperspace as he made his way into C

Lovers Of Darkness vs Lovers Of Light
July 15, 2016

When people die, what happens to good people who sat on the fence or didn't know the whole truth? The answer may surprise you. We also examine Jesus' meeting with the woman at the well and it's symbolism. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 6 MP3 Download

Turning Water Into Wine
July 08, 2016

A theory concerning what it was like for Jesus when He came into what Bible scholars call, His Full Knowledge. We also get into Jesus' first miracle, the turning of water into wine, and then we cover the conversation with Nicodemus which led to the famous

Jesus Christ: Dual Ambassador
July 01, 2016

Jesus & John are now 30 years old. We start with John's controversial ministry (the destiny of wheat and chaff) and Jesus' illogical request to be baptized (and why). Then we examine Satan's attacks against Jesus as he wandered in the desert. MATTHEW, MAR

The Magi
June 24, 2016

Magi suddenly appear into Israel and shake up the whole kingdom, including King Herod. We examine the significance of the gifts they gave to Jesus and then we fast-forward to Jesus at age 12, covering his 1st confrontation with religious leaders. MATTHEW,

The Virgin Birth
June 17, 2016

We explore why Jesus had to be born of a virgin and then we cover the Christmas Story. We start off with the first angelic encounter by Zachariah, Mary and Joseph and go all the way to Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, announced by an army of angels to nearby sh

Science Explains The Trinity
June 10, 2016

Matthew & Luke surprised us with remarkable structures found in Jesus' genealogy while John introduced the doctrine of Grace and explained Jesus' pre-existence before time and space, which lead us diving into the controversial doctrine of The Trinity. MAT