Founding Word

Founding Word

Latest Episodes

The Coming Universal Delusion
April 18, 2017

Bible prophesy tends to get painted through quaint-colored glasses but if a film were to be accurately made based upon what's coming, no one would ever suspect it's a Bible story until the climax when we discover we've been rooting for the Antichrist. A&n

The UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon
April 18, 2017

An examination of UFOs and alien abductions from a historical, scientific and Biblical perspective. All sides of the debate are covered including the possibility of fallen angels. The Bible reports that these activities have happened before. A  

The Science Of God And His Word
April 18, 2017

Exploring modern science, physics, astronomy and cosmology to determine the existence of a hyper-dimensional creator and then using those discoveries to prove which human written manuscript could only be a message to the Earth from the Creator Himself. A&

The Transfiguration
December 09, 2016

Jesus took Peter, James and John to a high spot on a mountain where the super-physics of eternity temporarily intersected. Jesus' face transfigured before them, shining as bright as the sun when all of a sudden, Moses and Elijah showed up to receive order

Losing Our Life To Save It
December 02, 2016

Jesus said that whoever saves his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will save it. In this session we talk about seeking 1st the Kingdom of God, what it means to delight ourselves in the Lord and we address unmet needs and the desires of our he

Keys Of The Kingdom & The Armor Of God
November 25, 2016

Our warfare is spiritual, not physical. Our enemies are invisible super-beings who've been waging war against the people of God for thousands of years. They use human beings and circumstances in our lives as camouflage. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION

The Ecclesia VS The Church
November 18, 2016

The word Church is used in our English Bibles to define the Greek word, Ecclesia which means Assembly or Congregation. In context of every place the word Ecclesia appears, it has nothing to do with Sunday mornings or worship services. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE

The Word Of Religion VS The Word Of God
November 11, 2016

When men take their man-made religious traditions and call them commandments of God, they're treading on dangerous ground. The more we compare God's Word with our understanding of church and religion, we discover a massive contradiction. MATTHEW, MARK, LU

Who Chose Who First?
November 04, 2016

Jesus said all who come to Him, will be saved. This is a voluntary act of faith on our part. God saves us after we choose him, and not before. But Paul's letters say we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. So who chose who first? MATT

Walking On Water
October 28, 2016

Jesus required that his disciples follow his directions and keep focused on HIM and HIS abilities, rather than focusing on their circumstances. Doing that is what led to 5000 people being fed with 2 fish and 5 loaves and Peter walking on water. MATTHEW, M