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The Transfiguration

January 22, 2016

Jesus took Peter, James and John to a high spot on a mountain where the super-physics of eternity temporarily intersected. Jesus' face transfigured before them, shining as bright as the sun when all of a sudden, Moses and Elijah showed up to receive orders. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 27 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. A Special Promise To Peter, James & John. A. Matthew 16:28 B. Mark 9:1 C. Luke 9:27 II. The Famous Trans-Dimensional Encounter Known As "The Transfiguration". A. Matthew 17:1-8 B. Mark 9:2-8 C. Luke 9:28-36 D. 2nd Peter 1:13-18 E. Revelation 11:3-13 F. The Return Of Moses & Elijah. G. Jesus: The Ultimate Authority Over The Law And The Prophets. H. The Physics Of Immortality & Dismantling The Myth Of "Soul Sleep". I. The Physics Of The Shining Cloud Known As "The Shekinah Glory". J. What Were Jesus, Moses & Elijah Discussing? And Why? III. Why The Scribes Say Elijah Must Come Before The Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord. A. Matthew 17:9-13 B. Mark 9:9-13