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Parable Of The Sower & The Soils

November 20, 2015

What happens when a person's heart is given some truth? Why do some hearts accept it easily while others don't? Why do some Christians grow while others never grow? What about the Christians who become hardened against their faith and turn against it? MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 18 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Introduction To The Kingdom Parables & The Parable Of The Sower And 4 Soils. A. Matthew 13:1-9 B. Mark 4:1-9 C. Luke 8:4-8 II. Jesus Explains To His Disciples The Reason For Why He Is Now Teaching In Parables. A. Matthew 13:10-17 B. Mark 4:10-12 C. Luke 8:9-10 III. Jesus Interprets And Explains The Parable Of The Sower And 4 Soils. A. The Soil Along The Traveled Path. 1. The Symbols. a. Matthew 13:4 b. Mark 4:4 c. Luke 8:5 2. The Symbols Defined. a. Matthew 13:19 b. Mark 4:15 c. Luke 8:12 B. The Rocky Soil. 1. The Symbols. a. Matthew 13:5-6 b. Mark 4:5-6 c. Luke 8:6 2. The Symbols Defined. a. Matthew 13:20-21 b. Mark 4:16-17 c. Luke 8:13 C. The Soil Overgrown With Thorns. 1. The Symbols. a. Matthew 13:7 b. Mark 4:7 c. Luke 8:7 2. The Symbols Defined. a. Matthew 13:22 b. Mark 4:18-19 c. Luke 8:14 D. The Good Soil. 1. The Symbols. a. Matthew 13:8 b. Mark 4:8 c. Luke 8:8 2. The Symbols Defined. a. Matthew 13:23 b. Mark 4:20 c. Luke 8:15 IV. "Be Careful How You Listen." A. Mark 4:21-25 B. Luke 8:16-18 V. Contrasting The Work Of The Sower VS The Work Of The Seed. A. Mark 4:26-29