Founding Word

Founding Word

The Unpardonable Sin

November 11, 2015

What is the unforgivable sin? It's given cute little labels such as Blaspheme Against The Holy Spirit but what does that mean? What sin could have possibly escaped the PAID IN FULL declaration that Jesus personally made before he died on the cross? MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 17 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. An Even Deeper Education In Demonic Possession. A. Matthew 12:43-45 B. Luke 11:24-26 II. Jesus' Public Rebuke Against Those Over-Magnifying His Mother. A. Luke 11:27-28 III. Unraveling The Mystery Of The Infamous Unpardonable Sin (aka) Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit. A. Matthew 12:31-32 B. Mark 3:28-30 C. Romans 1:18-25 D. John 3:16-19 IV. Giving An Account For Every Idle Word. A. Matthew 12:33-37 V. The Sign Of The Prophet Jonah. A. Matthew 12:38-40 B. Luke 11:29-30 VI. "Nineveh Will Witness At The Judgment Of This Generation." A. Matthew 12:41 B. Luke 11:32 VII. "The Queen Of The South Will Witness At The Judgment Of This Generation." A. Matthew 12:42 B. Luke 11:31 VIII. "The Eye Is The Lamp Of Your Body." A. Luke 11:33-36 IX. Apparently, Blood ISN'T Thicker Than Water. A. Matthew 12:46-50 B. Mark 3:31-35 C. Luke 8:19-21