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The Outer Darkness

November 05, 2015

One of the most widely misunderstood quotes from Jesus is found in Matthew 8 where he speaks of casting children of the kingdom into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. What does that mean? He's not talking about Hell. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 15 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. The Faith Of The Roman Centurion That Marveled Jesus. A. Matthew 8:5-10 B. Luke 7:1-9 II. Confusion Surrounding "The Outer Darkness" Where There's Weeping & Gnashing Of Teeth. A. Matthew 8:11-12 III. Jesus Heals The Centurion's Servant. A. Matthew 8:13 B. Luke 7:10 IV. Jesus Raises The Widow's Son From The Dead. A. Luke 7:11-17 V. An Update On John The Baptist. A. Matthew 11:2-6 B. Luke 7:18-23 VI. Jesus Speaks To The Crowds About John. A. Matthew 11:7-11 B. Luke 7:24-28 VII. "The Law And The Prophets Until John" A. Matthew 11:12-15 VIII. "All The People Heard Him But The Pharisees..." A. Luke 7:29-30 IX. "To What Shall I Liken This Generation?" A. Matthew 11:16-19 B. Luke 7:31-35 X. Jesus Names Cities Of Woes Worse Than Sodom. A. Matthew 11:20-24 XI. "...For My Yoke Is Easy And My Burden Is Light". A. Matthew 11:25-30