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Lucifer Rising

November 04, 2015

The Church of Lucifer opened it's doors on Halloween Night and marked a pivotal shift in the direction of America's spiritual history. This leads us to discuss: Who gives Satan his authority and by what protocols is he granted permission to do his worst? PROPHECY UPDATE: 2015-11-04 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Lucifer In The Garden Of Eden A. Isaiah 14:12-17 B. Ezekiel 28:13-18 II. Satan's First Victims Of Deception Genesis 3:1-7 III. Satan: The Father Of Lies And All That Is False John 8:44 IV. Satan Keeps The Eyes & The Mind Blinded From Seeing The Truth II Corinthians 4:4 V. Being Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge Hosea 4:6 VI. Jesus' Freeing Solution To Satan's Blinders A. John 8:31-32 B. John 16:13-15 VII. The Key To Understanding Any Verse In The Bible James 1:5 VIII. The Belt Of Truth & The Armor Of God Ephesians 6:10-18 IX. The Magog Invasion & The Response From Tarshish Ezekiel 38:1-13