Founding Word

Founding Word

The UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon

April 19, 2017

An examination of UFOs and alien abductions from a historical, scientific and Biblical perspective. All sides of the debate are covered including the possibility of fallen angels. The Bible reports that these activities have happened before. A  Topical  Study MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. The Debate Concerning The Possibility Of Alien Humanoid Life In Outer Space. II. Examining Both Modern & Historical UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon. III. Jesus Compared The Days Prior To His Return To The Days Of Noah. A. Luke 21:25-26 B. Matthew 24:37-42 IV. About The Days Of Noah & The Nephilim. A. Genesis 6:1-9 B. 2nd Peter 2:4-5 C. Jude 1:6 V. The Physics And Capabilities Of Angels. A. Matthew 24:24 B. Mark 13:22 VI. Comparing The Foretold Doctrine Of The Antichrist To The Doctrine Of Today's "Alien Messages". A. 2nd Thessalonians 2:9 B. 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 C. 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-4