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Losing Our Life To Save It

December 02, 2016

Jesus said that whoever saves his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will save it. In this session we talk about seeking 1st the Kingdom of God, what it means to delight ourselves in the Lord and we address unmet needs and the desires of our heart. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 26 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Understanding The Meaning Behind The Phrase, "Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me." A. Matthew 16:24 B. Mark 8:34 C. Luke 9:23 II. Solving A Mystery: "Whoever Saves His Life Will Lose It, But Whoever Loses His Life Will Save It." A. Matthew 16:25-26 B. Mark 8:35-37 C. Luke 9:24-25 III. Seeking First The Kingdom Of God: The Coming Reward Ceremony In Which Jesus Is The Judge & Rewarder. A. Matthew 16:27 IV. Jesus' Reaction Upon His Return Toward Christians Who Were Ashamed Of Him And His Teachings. A. Mark 8:38 B. Luke 9:26 V. Seeking 1st The Kingdom Of God / Delighting Yourself In The Lord / Unmet Needs & The Desires Of Your Heart. A. Matthew 6:19-21 B. Psalm 37:3-8