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Who Chose Who First?

November 04, 2016

Jesus said all who come to Him, will be saved. This is a voluntary act of faith on our part. God saves us after we choose him, and not before. But Paul's letters say we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. So who chose who first? MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 22 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. The 5000 Who Were Fed Seek Jesus Out The Next Morning. A. John 6:22-25 II. Jesus Tells Them, "I Am The Bread Of Life." A. John 6:26-35 B. Exodus 16:11-35 III. Exploring The Paradoxes Of Salvation Due To Our Imprisonment Inside Linear Space/Time. A. John 6:36-44 B. Being Led To Christ IS NOT The Same As Accepting Christ. C. Being Drawn To Christ IS NOT The Same As Being Given To Christ. D. Those Who Accept Christ Are Given By The Father To His Son Before The Foundation Of The World. E. What Happens First Depends Upon The Observer's Position (Inside or Outside) The Space/Time Domain. F. Ephesians 1:3-4 G. 1st Peter 1:19-20 H. 2nd Peter 3:9 I. The Eternal Security Debate: "Whoever Comes To Me, I Will By No Means Cast Out." J. Jesus Claims Full Responsibility For Our Salvation "Of All That He Has Given Me, I Should Lose Nothing." K. "The Last Day" & Addressing The False Doctrine Known As "Soul Sleep". L. 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 IV. "Whoever Believes In Me, HAS (Present Tense) Eternal Life." A. John 6:45-47 V. The Bread Of Life VS The Manna. A. John 6:48-51 VI. Jesus Offers Up His Flesh & Blood As Food & Drink For Eternal Life. A. John 6:52-59 VII. The Doctrine Of Jesus' Flesh & Blood Atonement Causes Many Disciples To Permanently Turn Away. A. John 6:60-66 VIII. ...But None Among The Twelve. A. John 6:67-71