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Walking On Water

October 28, 2016

Jesus required that his disciples follow his directions and keep focused on HIM and HIS abilities, rather than focusing on their circumstances. Doing that is what led to 5000 people being fed with 2 fish and 5 loaves and Peter walking on water. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 21 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. The Beheading Of John The Baptist. A. Matthew 14:3-12 B. Mark 6:17-29 II. King Herod Becomes Alarmed By The Reports Of Jesus' Abilities. A. Matthew 14:1-2 B. Mark 6:14-16 C. Luke 9:7-9 III. Jesus Feeds 5000 People With 2 Fish And 5 Loaves Of Bread. A. Matthew 14:13-21 B. Mark 6:30-44 C. Luke 9:10-17 D. John 6:1-13 IV. Jesus Sends Away His Disciples & Withdraws To Pray. A. Matthew 14:22-23 B. Mark 6:45-46 C. John 6:14-17 V. The Disciples Are Attacked By Another Storm At Sea & Jesus Walks On The Water. A. Matthew 14:24-27 B. Mark 6:47-50 C. John 6:18-20 VI. Faith VS Circumstances: Peter Walks On The Water. A. Matthew 14:28-31 VII. Jesus Comes Aboard And The Winds Cease. A. Matthew 14:32-33 B. Mark 6:51-52 C. John 6:21 VIII. Even at 4AM The Crowds Follow, So Once Ashore, The Healings Continue. A. Matthew 14:34-36 B. Mark 6:53-56