Founding Word

Founding Word

The Kingdom Parables: A Prophetic Timeline

October 14, 2016

The Kingdom Parables (Matthew 13) are a prophetic timeline of all church history from the 1st century to the Present. This is an amazing and incredible study. If Jesus had given his Kingdom Parables in any other order, this prophetic property wouldn't apply. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 19 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Parable Of The Sower Of Seed Into 4 Types Of Soil. A. Personal Application: Sowing The Word Of God Into The Hearts Of Men 1. Matthew 13:3-9 & 19-23 2. Mark 4:3-9 & 15-20 3. Luke 8:5-8 & 12-15 4. Paul's Letter To The Ephesians B. Prophetic Application: The Age Of Apostolic Planting (1st Century) 1. Sowing Seed Into The Soil 2. Revelation 2:1-7 II. Parable Of The Tares Among The Wheat. A. Personal Application: When Deceptive Impostors Infiltrate The Assembly. 1. Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43 2. Paul's Letter To The Phillipians. B. Prophetic Application: The Age Of Persecution (1st - 3rd Century) 1. Tares Among The Wheat. 2. Revelation 2:8-11 III. Parable Of The Mustard Seed. A. Personal Application: The Imposition Of Hierarchies When An Assembly Grows Too Big. 1. Matthew 13:31-32 2. Mark 4:30-32 3. Paul's Letters To The Corinthians. B. Prophetic Application: The Age Of Imperialism (4th - 6th Century) 1. The Mustard Seed Becomes A Tree. 2. Revelation 2:12-17 IV. Parable Of The Woman Hiding Leaven In Three Measures Of Meal. A. Personal Application: When Doctrines Of Demons Are Hidden Within Doctrines Of God. 1. Matthew 13:33 2. Paul's Letter To The Galatians. B. Prophetic Application: The Age Of The Papacy (6th - 21st Century) 1. The Woman Hides In Leaven Until All Is Leavened. 2. Revelation 2:18-29 V. Matthew & Mark Comment On Jesus Teaching In Parables. A. Matthew 13:34-35 B. Mark 4:33-34 VI. Parable Of The Hidden Treasure. A. Personal Application: Hidden Treasure Discovered: The Law ("Debt") VS Grace ("Paid In Full") 1. Matthew 13:44 2. Paul's Letter To The Romans. B. Prophetic Application: The Age Of Protestantism & Denominationalism (16th - 21st Century) 1. Hidden Treasure Buried. 2. Revelation 3:1-6 VII. Parable Of The Pearl Of Great Price. A. Personal Application: Individual Sanctification & The Uplifting Encouragement To Stand Firm. 1. Matthew 13:45-46 2. Paul's Letters To The Thessalonians B. Prophetic Application: The Age Of Non-Denominationalism & Individual Ministries & Missionaries (18th - 21st Century) 1. Pearl Of Great Price. 2. Revelation 3:7-13 VIII. Parable Of The Dragnet. A. Personal Application: When Religion Overthrows The Preeminence Of Christ And God's Word. 1. Matthew 13:47-50 2. Paul's Letter To The Colossians. B. Prophetic Application: The Age Of Apostasy (20th - 21st Century) 1. The Last Age Before The Dragnet. 2. Revelation 3:14-22 IX. Jesus Closes The Discussion And Departs From His Disciples. A. Matthew 13:51-53