Founding Word

Founding Word

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August 19, 2016

This is Luke's record of Jesus' Sermon On The Mount. It's much shorter than Matthew's record. In this session, we examine what Luke chose to single out, a list of blessings and woes and a difference between the Kingdom Of God and the Kingdom Of Heaven. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 11 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Jesus Heals Another Multitude From All Over Judaea and Jerusalem. A. Luke 6:17-19 II. The Beginning Of Jesus' Famous Sermon On The Mount: According To Luke. A. Luke's Record VS Matthew's Record Of The Sermon B. The Kingdom Of God vs The Kingdom Of Heaven. C. Blessed Are The Poor? D. Luke 6:20 E. Matthew 5:1-3 III. Blessed Are Those Who Now Hunger And Cry. A. Luke 6:21 IV. Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted For My Sake. A. Luke 6:22-23 B. Matthew 5:11-12 V. Those WIth Woes Instead Of Blessing. A. Luke 6:24-26 VI. Loving Your Enemies & Praying For Those Who Persecute You. A. Luke 6:27-28 B. Matthew 5:43-45 VII. Loving Your Enemies & Turning The Other Cheek. A. Luke 6:29 B. Matthew 5:38-40 VIII. Giving To Those In Need. A. Luke 6:30 B. Matthew 5:42 IX. What Has Become Known As "The Golden Rule". A. Luke 6:31 B. Matthew 7:12 X. What Makes You Different If You Only Love Those Who Love You? A. Luke 6:32-35 B. Matthew 5:46-47 XI. "Be Perfect, Just As Your Father Is Perfect & Be Merciful, Just As Your Father Is Merciful." A. Luke 6:36 B. Matthew 5:48 XII. Judging Others VS Judging Fruit: What It REALLY Means To "Judge Not". A. Luke 6:37-38 B. Matthew 7:1-2 XIII. The Blind Leading The Blind. A. Luke 6:39-40 XIV. Criticizing The Speck In Your Brother's Eye While A Beam Of Timber Remains In Yours. A. Luke 6:41-42 B. Matthew 7:3-5 XV. Judging (Or Discerning) Trees By Their Fruit. A. Luke 6:43-45 B. Matthew 7:16-20 XVI. If You Don't Do What I Say, Can You Really Call Me Your Lord? A. Luke 6:46 B. Matthew 7:21 XVII. Building Your House Upon The Rock. A. Luke 6:47-49 B. Matthew 7:24-27