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Founding Word

The 2000 Year Comma

July 22, 2016

While Jesus was visiting his home town, he made a statement that turned his listeners into an angry mob that seized him to throw him over a cliff, head-first down. Jesus passed through them, probably slipping through a hyperspace as he made his way into Capernaum. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 7 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Galilee Welcomes Jesus. A. John 4:43-45 II. Jesus Begins Teaching In The Synagogues Of Galilee. A. Luke 4:15 III. Defining The Gospel: The Beginnings Of What Jesus Taught. A. Mark 1:15 IV. The Physical Range Of Jesus' Power / He That Holds The Laws Of Physics Together. A. John 4:46-54 B. Colossians 1:16-17 V. Jesus Proclaims The Acceptable Year Of The Lord / A Comma That's Lasted For 2000 Years. A. Luke 4:16-21 B. Isaiah 13:12-13 C. Isaiah 61:1-2 VI. The Quote From Jesus That Sent The People Of His Hometown Into A Murderous Rage. A. Luke 4:22-27 VII. Did Jesus Squeeze Through The Mob Or Hyper-dimensionally Pass Through It?. A. Luke 4:28-30 VIII. Jesus Moves To Capernaum. A. Matthew 4:13-17 B. Isaiah 9:1-2 IX. The Supernatural Event That Finally Convinced Peter That Jesus Was God. A. Matthew 4:18-22 B. Mark 1:16-20 C. Luke 5:1-11 X. Jesus Aborts A Demonic Possession And Rumors Spread. A. Mark 1:21-28 B. Luke 4:31-37 XI. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-In-Law & Then Many Others That Same Evening. A. Matthew 8:14-17 B. Mark 1:29-34 C. Luke 4:38-41 D. Isaiah 53:4