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A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

November 10, 2015

An Abraham Lincoln quote from his House Divided Speech was actually quoted first by Jesus in Matthew 12. After healing a mute demoniac, religious leaders accused Jesus of working for Beelzebub: The Prince Of Demons. The response Jesus gave was priceless. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 16 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. A Pharisee Invites Jesus To Dinner Where A Notorious Woman Anoints His Feet. A. Luke 7:36-50 II. Introducing Mary Magdalene. A. Luke 8:1-3 III. Jesus Heals A Blind And Dumb Demoniac. A. Matthew 12:22-23 B. Luke 11:14 IV. The Pharisees Accuse Jesus Of Working For Beelzebub: The Prince Of Demons. A. Matthew 12:24 B. Luke 11:15 V. Others Demand A Sign From Heaven. A. Luke 11:16 VI. Jesus' Family (Including His Mother) Believe He's Gone Mad. A. Mark 3:20-22 VII. "A Kingdom Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand." A. Matthew 12:25-26 B. Mark 3:23-26 C. Luke 11:17-18 VIII. "By Whose Help Do Your Sons Cast Them Out?" A. Matthew 12:27-28 B. Luke 11:19-20 IX. The Parable Of The Strong Man & An Education In Demonic Possession. A. Matthew 12:29 B. Mark 3:27 C. Luke 11:21-22 X. The Only Man Who Can Say With Authority, "He Who Isn't With Me Is Against Me." A. Matthew 12:30 B. Luke 11:23