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Founding Word

Sermon On The Mount: Seeking First The Kingdom Of God

November 10, 2015

Jesus touched upon several key doctrines that have become infamously quoted out of context on many occasion, JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED being among them. We'll explain all of these in context of Jesus' sermon, distinguishing fact from cliche'. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 14 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. How To Make Investments Towards Our Future In Heaven. A. Matthew 6:19-21 II. The Impossibility Of Serving Both God And Mammon. A. Matthew 6:22-25 III. How To Walk On Water While Getting All Of Your Needs Met: Seeking First The Kingdom Of God. A. Matthew 6:26-34 IV. Judging Others VS Judging Fruit: What It Really Means To "Judge Not". A. Matthew 7:1-2 B. Luke 6:37-38 V. Criticizing The Speck In Your Brother's Eye While A Beam Of Timber Remains In Yours. A. Matthew 7:3-5 B. Luke 6:39-42 VI. Casting Pearls Before Swine. A. Matthew 7:6 VII. A Conditional Promise: Ask And It Will Be Given You; Seek And You Will Find. A. Matthew 7:7-11 VIII. What Has Become Known As "The Golden Rule". A. Matthew 7:12 B. Luke 6:31 IX. The Straight & Narrow. A. Matthew 7:13-14 X. Beware Of False Prophets. A. Matthew 7:15 XI. Judging (Or Discerning) Trees By Their Fruit. A. Matthew 7:16-20 B. Luke 6:43-45 XII. If You Don't Do What I Say, Can You Really Call Me Your Lord? A. Matthew 7:21 B. Luke 6:46 XIII. What Jesus Means When He Says, "Depart From Me, I Never Knew You". A. Matthew 7:22-23 XIV. Building Your House Upon The Rock. A. Matthew 7:24-27 B. Luke 6:47-49 XV. The Conclusion Of The Famous Sermon On The Mount. A. Matthew 7:28-29