Founding Word

Founding Word

Lovers Of Darkness vs Lovers Of Light

November 10, 2015

When people die, what happens to good people who sat on the fence or didn't know the whole truth? The answer may surprise you. We also examine Jesus' meeting with the woman at the well and it's symbolism. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 6 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Exploring Further The Meaning Behind John 3:16. A. John 3:14-18 B. Numbers 21:4-9 C. Daniel 7:13-14 D. Ephesians 1:13-14 II. Lovers Of Darkness VS Lovers Of Light: The Foundational Doctrine Behind The Unforgivable Sin. A. John 3:19-21 B. Psalm 14:1 C. Romans 1:20-25 III. The Fame Of Jesus Rises & John The Baptist Testifies To His Supremacy. John 3:22-36 IV. John The Baptist Is Arrested And Thrown Into Prison / Jesus Returns To Galilee. A. Matthew 4:12 B. Mark 1:14 C. Luke 4:14 D. John 4:1-3 E. Matthew 14:3-4 F. Luke 3:19-20 V. The "Must Needs" Detour Into Samaria. John 4:4-6 VI. Jesus' Conversation With The Woman At The Well / A Study Of The Woman VS Nicodemus. John 4:7-26 VII. Many Of That City Believed / Some Hints Dropped Into The Text By The Holy Spirit. John 4:27-42