Founding Word

Founding Word

Turning Water Into Wine

November 10, 2015

A theory concerning what it was like for Jesus when He came into what Bible scholars call, His Full Knowledge. We also get into Jesus' first miracle, the turning of water into wine, and then we cover the conversation with Nicodemus which led to the famous John 3:16. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 5 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Theories Of When Jesus Came Into What Bible Scholars Call, His Full Knowledge. John 1:32-34 II. Andrew & Peter Begin Following Jesus. John 1:35-42 III. Philip & Nathanael Begin Following Jesus. John 1:43-51 IV. The Wedding Feast At Cana / The Significance Of Jesus' 1st Miracle: Turning Water Into Wine. John 2:1-12 V. Jesus (With A Whip) Runs The Merchants Out Of The Temple Court. John 2:13-25 VI. The Night Meeting With Nicodemus / The Concept Of Being Born Again. John 3:1-13 VII. Jesus Compares Hismelf To The Bronze Serpent That Moses Lifted Up In The Desert. A. John 3:14-15 B. Numbers 21:4-9 C. Daniel 7:13-14 VIII. The Famous John 3:16 And The Way Of Salvation. A. John 3:16-21 B. Ephesians 1:13-14