Founding Word

Founding Word

Science Explains The Trinity

November 10, 2015

Matthew & Luke surprised us with remarkable structures found in Jesus' genealogy while John introduced the doctrine of Grace and explained Jesus' pre-existence before time and space, which lead us diving into the controversial doctrine of The Trinity. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 1 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Background & Overview Of What Are Commonly Known As The Gospels. II. Personal Introductions By Matthew, Mark & Luke. A. Matthew 1:1-17 B. Mark 1:1 C. Luke 1:1-4 III. Personal Introduction By John: The Super-Science Of God. (Science Explains The Trinity) A. John 1:1-5 B. Psalm 90:2 C. Genesis 1:1-26 D. Isaiah 44:6 E. Isaiah 45:5 IV. The Word Became Flesh And Walked Among Us. A. John 1:6-14 V. John's Subtle Introduction To The Doctrine Of Grace. A. John 1:15-18 VI. The Genealogy Of Jesus & Supernatural Structure Found Within The Text. A. Matthew 1:2-17 B. Luke 3:23-38