Founding Word

Founding Word

The UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon

November 10, 2015

An examination of UFOs and alien abductions from a historical, scientific and Biblical perspective. All sides of the debate are covered including the possibility of fallen angels. The Bible reports that these activities have happened before. MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. The Debate Concerning The Possibility Of Alien Humanoid Life In Outer Space. II. Examining Both Modern & Historical UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon. III. Jesus Compared The Days Prior To His Return To The Days Of Noah. A. Luke 21:25-26 B. Matthew 24:37-42 IV. About The Days Of Noah & The Nephilim. A. Genesis 6:1-9 B. 2nd Peter 2:4-5 C. Jude 1:6 V. The Physics And Capabilities Of Angels. A. Matthew 24:24 B. Mark 13:22 VI. Comparing The Foretold Doctrine Of The Antichrist To The Doctrine Of Today's "Alien Messages". A. 2nd Thessalonians 2:9 B. 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 C. 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-4