Latest Episodes

Episode 343 – Water & Weight Loss
August 19, 2020

We all know water is important for health but how can it affect your weight loss goals?  In this episode, we are literally diving in to the hydration, how much you need, where to find it other than the tap and how it all plays into this weight manag

Episode 342 – Do You Have The Right Money Mindset For Success: Interview with Joy A Adams
August 13, 2020

Ready for a truth bomb? Did you know that there are 7 different money mindsets and that each of these are learnt from when you were young and impact your finances on a regular basis in life, and business. Joy A Adams, CEO of Covenant Wealth shared this w

Episode 341 – Workout Without Burnout: Interview with Jenni Hulburt
August 11, 2020

Have you ever noticed that there are times you feel like lifting heavy, running long distances and other times you just never want to leave the couch? Often we push through and stick to the plan but what if the plan just wasn’t in sync with your bo

Episode 340 – The Secret Ingredient to Being an Incredible Instructor
August 06, 2020

Do you ever wonder why some coaches and trainers seem to have so much success while others might struggle? If so, today’s episode is for you. Today we uncover the one thing that will without a doubt be a game changer for you and your business. We talk no

Episode 339 – Fitness Myth Busting
August 05, 2020

Cardio or strength training first?  I stepped on the scale today and it went up and not down like I had hoped, ugh. I must be doing something wrong, but what? I didnt sweat today that means I didnt work hard enough, right?  I am going to crunch

Episode 338 – The Power of Getting Intentional
August 04, 2020

So many fitness, nutrition & health coaches are struggling to grow their businesses BUT when asked, they have no idea what they really want to create or generate from clients, to lead to revenue goals.  In this episode, Head Chick Laura takes you thr

Episode 337 – When We Can’t Get Back on Track
July 28, 2020

Has quarantine been kicking your butt – mentally & physically- and you can’t get back on track with your health goals?  We have been receiving a TON of messages from chicks dealing with weight gain, lack of motivation and trying to figure

Episode 336 – In Person To Online Training: Interview with Andrea Laver
July 24, 2020

When you first graduate from any program you are often times nervous to get started, have some real fears in place and end up doing what you think you should do vs what you actually want to do. You have a learning curve ahead of you that can seem steep b

Episode 335 – Do I Have DR? Interview with Andrea Laver
July 21, 2020

Did you know that diastasis recti is not just for post pregnancy? That is right you can suffer from this even without having had a baby. Today we chat with Fitness and Nutrition Expert graduate and owner of Goals and Gainz Andrea Laver to find out more a

Episode 334 – The Importance of Finding Your Voice As a Trainer
July 16, 2020

When we first started teaching fitness classes we had no idea just how important it was to show up in a way that felt authentic to you. We would show up  and try to teach like other instructors and professionals we admired. By doing so we were repel