Latest Episodes

Episode 352 – Mastering the Mind vs The Mechanics
September 29, 2020

Success is 50% mindset and 50% mechanics.  You can learn the “how” but if can not create a mindset of success, you will end up right back where you are at right now. Your mind is the MOST powerful muscle in creating the life, health and

Episode 351 – Creating Your Chick Power Success Circle
September 24, 2020

There is a saying that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. But when it comes to success in life, health or career, what if they don’t have the same goals and dreams as you? That is totally OK and you don’t have to ditch!  In

Episode 350 – The Top 5 Nutrition Habits of Successful People
September 22, 2020

When you look at people who are crushing their health goals, their businesses, their family life, do you ever wonder “What is the secret to their success?”.  Well we can tell you, it is ALL in their daily habits! In this episode of FIT CHICKS Chat a

Episode 349 – How to Create Your Dream Life with Intention
September 17, 2020

Most of us are living life thinking it is happening TO us…that we are not creating any of it or we can not change our future and that is 100% NOT true. We have NO idea the power we have to create the life, health and career of your dreams and it is

Episode 348 – The New Face of a Fitness Coach
September 15, 2020

Right now when you google a “fitness or health coach” all that comes up are pics of women of the same age, race, size with a 6 pack wearing crop tops and rocking a thigh gap. No wonder women are terrified to get started in the fitness industry!  All

Episode 347 – Owning Your Ambition
September 10, 2020

Do you feel like you are destined for more than what you are currently doing?  That you aren’t living your passion or following your true purpose in life? Don’t worry, if you have this constant voice or nudge from the universe – you are not al

Episode 346 – The Yin and Yang of Fitness and Life
September 08, 2020

Finding balance between masculinity and feminine energy is an art that we all should work towards. The thing is if you are having one area of your life you are approaching in a more masculine or feminine way, it can dramatically impact the end result you

Episode 345 – Shifting Gears While Injured
September 01, 2020

This past year instead of healing from an injury, Amanda learned to cope with it and transformed her life and habits to revolve around it. About three weeks ago she had this crazy aha moment where she had realised this and that she was simply placing a b

Episode 344 – The 3 Secrets to Becoming A Successful Holistic Health Coach
August 25, 2020

What is the difference between a health coach and a super fierce, successful holistic health coach that gets more clients and better results?  It is the 3 secrets we are sharing with you in today’s episode!  If you already are a coach or lookin

Episode 344 – The 3 Secrets to Becoming A Successful Holistic Health Coach
August 25, 2020

What is the difference between a health coach and a super fierce, successful holistic health coach that gets more clients and better results?  It is the 3 secrets we are sharing with you in today’s episode!  If you already are a coach or lookin