Fire Talk Radio

Fire Talk Radio

Latest Episodes

Have You Had Your Own Personal Pentecost? *REPLAY*
January 12, 2015

In the Book of Acts Chapter 2 it speaks of the Day of Pentecost when everybody was in one accord and then suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a mighty rushing wind and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire that rested upon eac

Jesus, The Ultimate Healer- Part 10
January 10, 2015

Tonight I will be continuing my series entitled Jesus, The Ultimate Healer. If you have not heard part 1 I highly recommend that you listen to it first as it is a prerequisite to all the other parts.  Tonight in Part 10 I will continue speaking abou

My Mission: Finding My Individual Purpose For My Life—Part Two
January 09, 2015

Tonight in Part Two of My Mission: Finding My Individual Purpose For My Life I will be sharing on God given Desire and how to find your Passion. You discover the aforementioned when you look for them with a pure heart.  If you have any prayer requests

Thinking About Going To Bible College? *REPLAY*
January 05, 2015

Do you have the call of God on your life? Are you looking for a Bible College that is full of the Presence of God? Are you looking for a place where the Holy Spirit is given full control to move as He sees fit? Tonight I am going to be speaking about thr

Jesus, The Ultimate Healer- Part 9
January 03, 2015

Tonight I will be continuing my series entitled Jesus, The Ultimate Healer. If you have not heard part 1 I highly recommend that you listen to it first as it is a prerequisite to all the other parts.  Tonight in Part 9 I will continue speaking about

My Mission: Finding My Individual Purpose For My Life—Part One
January 02, 2015

Tonight I will be continuing the series on My Mission. I will be teaching Part 1 on How To Find Your Individual Purpose For Your Life. We all have our own indiviual prupose of why we were created. Noone else can do what God called you to do. If you do no

Alone For New Years Eve? Join Me On The Radio.
December 31, 2014

Are you by yourself tonight on New Years Eve and feeling lonely? You do not have to be alone. Join me on the radio and fellowship with me :) I will be sharing from the Bible, praying for you and playing anointed music by Freddy Hayler, Zachary Smith, Lee

The Fire Of God Will Purge, Protect And Refine - Part 2 *REPLAY *
December 29, 2014

This was recorded May 26, 2014. As we were sharing on the Fire of God and Holiness a warning and a plea from the Holy Spirit to not defile His Temple was given. It was powerful. The differant aspects of the Fire Of God! Refining fire. Purging Fire. Pro

Jesus, The Ultimate Healer - Part 8
December 27, 2014

Tonight I will be continuing my series entitled Jesus, The Ultimate Healer. If you have not heard part 1 I highly recommend that you listen to it first as it is a prerequisite to all the other parts.  Tonight I will continue speaking about why healing

Twelve Pillars Of Faith- My Mission
December 26, 2014

This month I am beginning a new series from the Twelve Pillars of Faith entitled, My Mission. Have you ever wondered why you were created. Have you ever asked the age old question: Why am I here?  Pondering your purpose in life and why you were born? J