Fire Talk Radio

Fire Talk Radio

Latest Episodes

Alone for Thanksgiving? Join me on the Radio *REPLAY*
November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Fellowship

Interview with Evangelist Thomas Turnali
November 13, 2015

Thomas Turnali

The Authority Of The Believer - Part 6
September 12, 2015

Believer's Authority

Twelve Pillars Of Faith- My Comforter
September 11, 2015

My Comforter

Thinking About Going To Bible College? *REPLAY*
August 06, 2015

Considering Bible College?

Twelve Pillars Of Faith- A Covenant Father
May 29, 2015

Covenant Father

What About Pentecost? *REPLAY*
May 24, 2015

Today is Pentecost Sunday. Join me tonight as I speak about the subject of Pentecost. If you have any prayer requests, testimonies, comments, or questions feel

Have You Had Your Own Personal Pentecost? *With Guest Tony Carpenter *REPLAY*
May 24, 2015

vIn the Book of Acts Chapter 2 it speaks of the Day of Pentecost when everybody was in one accord and then suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a might