Financial Independence Forum

Financial Independence Forum

Bob Haegele from [Financial Independence Forum, EP.007]

November 11, 2019

My guest this week is Bob Haegele, The Frugal Fellow who runs a blog He’s a financial independence seeker and his blog is focused on how frugality is an important aspect to shifting and reaching financial independence. He’s making money by different side ventures and different side projects and side hustles, creating additional sources of income on the way to reaching FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early).

Podcast Transcript

Eugene / Host: (00:00)Hello and welcome everyone. I’m Eugene Ting and this is the financial independence forum. This show is an open ended exploration of stories, methods and mindsets. How to better invest your time best in yourself and invest your money. You can learn more and please contribute your voice and story at

Eugene / Host: (00:31)My guest this week is Bob Haegele, the frugal fellow who runs a blog He’s a financial independence seeker and his blog is focused on how frugality is an important aspect to shifting and reaching financial independence. He’s making money by different side ventures and different side projects and side hustles, creating additional sources of income on the way to reaching FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Welcome Bob to the financial independence forum. You named your blog, the frugal fellow. Maybe let’s start there. You know, what, what does frugality sort of mean to you and how has it meant to you in reaching, reaching financial independence?

Bob / Guest: (01:13)I’m kind of always been like naturally frugal, but I haven’t really I didn’t really necessarily have a mission with my frugality kinda when I was you know, growing up and things like that. But I, I guess I’ve never really been like a shopaholic or anything like that, you know, I don’t, I don’t really have just kind of naturally never gone out and spent a lot of money. So that’s just kind of the way that it’s been. And now more recently I’m kind of giving that an actual purpose and using it to kind of really reduce my expenses. So, you know, in addition to not buying things that I don’t need and all that. Now I’m really like reducing my expenses and I have roommates and things like that. So really trying to cut back and just like I said, kind of gets down to the bare minimum. So that I can work toward financial independence.

Eugene / Host: (01:59)And, you know, you mentioned that you were always kind of frugal, like do you sort of remember influences that made you that way or are you, you were sort of always in that mindset even pretty young memories of that?

Bob / Guest: (