The Finding My Psych Podcast

The Finding My Psych Podcast

Liz Garrett on The Law of Attraction, Mel Robbins, and EFT Tapping

January 22, 2022

“Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?”

Liz Garrett image
The Law of Attraction

We are so proud to have Liz Garrett, Author of, “My Best Life: Deliberately Creating the Life Of Your Dreams“. In this deeply personal interview, Liz describes her discovery of the Law of Attraction and the principles that prompted a journey into self-discovery and transformation.

Liz and I also discuss similar approaches to self-help, in particular, the positive impact of EFT Tapping and work by Mel Robbins in her high-5 and 5-4-3-2-1 technique. We challenge the dismissiveness often seen and taught within empirical circles – Discounting the impact of self-help with haste only paints the scientific community into a narrow peer-reviewed corner.

Episode Outline

Welcome to Episode 63: 2021 The Law of Attraction

  1. What We Do:
    • Behavioural Medicine and Health Psychology
    • Providing easily accessible content designed to help you design your own transformative experience.

  2. Today:
    • An interview with Liz Garrett (LCSW) on her discovery, journey and daily approach to using the principles from the Law of Attraction.
    • An overview of how Liz’s journey led her to writing her first book, “My Best Life – Deliberately Creating The Life of Your Dreams.”
    • Compare LOA to other approaches such work by Mel Robbins and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Liz’s Journey

  1. What is the Law of Attraction?
  2. What was going on in your life that made the principles relevant?
  3. What principles were the most helpful?
  4. What has stuck the most and how do you maintain the outcomes?
  5. 2021 Release: “My Best Life – Deliberately Creating The Life of Your Dreams.”

Similar Approaches to the Law Of Attraction

  1. Mel Robbins:
    • 5-4-3-2-1
    • High-5 Habit Approach

  2. Tapping:
    • Origins?
    • What is it exactly?
    • What is the mechanism?

Overall – Challenging the Scientific Status Quo

  1. CBT is popular in empirical science because it is easy to measure. Results are robust due to available metrics.
  2. Three approaches that some might categorize lacking direct empirical evidence due to the challenges with research design (it’s largely anecdote). Regardless, these approaches resonate with people and can alter an individuals trajectory.
    • What makes them resonate with people?
    • Or, is each approach a proxy to similar well founded theories with solid empirical outcomes?

  3. Is anecdote okay if it makes people feel better or changes their life?
    • No Harm Principle – If it works, why does the academic community care so much?
      • AA/NA has helped millions with very little empirical research backing it up.

    • Lack of scientific rigour with popular forms of psychotherapy.
      • We still accept the results. (e.g., Gestalt, Interpersonal Process Psychotherapy, etc.)


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