The Finding My Psych Podcast

The Finding My Psych Podcast

Amy Robertson - Hitting the Reset Button and Conversations on Dying

July 18, 2021

“At the end of life, we all want to talk about it, but don’t know where to start.”

Interview with Amy Roberson on death and dying

Interview with Amy Robertson – Rest and Dying

We are honoured to have, Amy Robertson, MSc. OT, on the Finding My Psych Podcast today. Amy and I discuss her most recent decision to move back to the East Coast to be closer to family. We spend time talking about the power of hitting the reset button in life and excitement/anxiety that come along with taking strategic leaps. Finally, we acknowledge that radical change also comes from a place of privilege.

Amy also talks about designing a new career in death and dying, something that she has pondered for as long as I have known her. While she wants to continue working at least part-time in Opioid Agonist Therapy, she also wants to build a career in working with individuals as they approach death. Dying is a process that we rarely talk about until our very last days. Amy seeks to work with the dying in planning their care, estate, and end of life celebration.

Episode Outline

Welcome to Episode 049: Interview with Amy Robertson, Hitting Reset, and Death and Dying

  1. What We Do:

  2. Today:
    • Special guest, Amy Robertson, MSc. OT
    • Big pivots in life – Hitting that reset button.
    • Working with individuals as they make end of life decisions.

  3. Feedback?
    • Likes something you heard, or did something get under your skin? Connect with an FMP team member through phone or email (

Special Guest Amy Robertson

  1. Getting to know you:
    1. From? – Why Vancouver?
    2. Clinical background
    3. Past Work
      1. What drew you to that work?
      2. What lessons has this work given to you?

  2. Major life changes:
    1. Lifting and shifting back to East Coast
    2. What led up to this major reset in your life?
    3. Getting to “reset” is a rare opportunity
      1. Pros
      2. Worries

    4. Why everyone should do it.
    5. Recognizing that reset opportunities come from a privileged place. (Matt D’Avella)

Conversations About Death

  1. I remember two years ago having my first hallway conversation with you about death.
    1. Why death?
    2. What reactions do you get from people? – It’s the topic we all avoid!

  2. Career in death conversations:
    1. What does this look like? (where, what populations, etc.)
    2. What are the primary concerns individuals have?
    3. How does your prior work inform this idea?
    4. Where does spiritually and religion fit in the conversation on dying?
    5. You mentioned starting a podcast on death and dying:
      1. What is the mission and format?

Wrapping Up

  1. What is the takeaway message you want to communicate about our conversation today?
  2. As you settle into your new home and start creating your work on death and dying, how can people get a hold of you for questions or if they want to be a guest on your show?