Film Soceyology

Film Soceyology

Latest Episodes

Infinite Storm
March 25, 2022

Matthew reviews the film Infinite Storm and has thoughts on the Academy Awards.

Hoosier Films
March 18, 2022

Matthew Socey interviews Hoosier Films CEO Meredith McGriff about the organization and their upcoming Hoosier Film Festival in Bloomington 9of which Matthew ill be a panelist). Two video releases, some thoughts on William Hurt and grab a pencil...

The Torch
March 11, 2022

Matthew Socey reviews the Buddy Guy documentary The Torch and After Yang as well as a new DVD box set from Rifftrax. Matthew also replays his chat with Rifftrax artist Kevin Murphy.

The Batman
March 04, 2022

Matthew Socey and fellow film critic Emily Wheeler discuss The Batman. He then chats with Heartland Film's Greg Sorvig about the film legacy of producer Alan Ladd, Jr.

Filmmaker Delores Thornton (Ida Mae 2)
February 25, 2022

In an epic edition of Film Soceyology, Matthew Socey interviews local filmmaker Delores Thornton (Ida Mae 2), dips into the archives with musician Michael Doucet about Louisiana films, reviews Cyrano and then Grab a pencil...

The Worst Person in the World
February 18, 2022

Matthew Socey reviews The Worst Person in the World, pays tribute to Ivan Reitman and reviews several new video releases and re-issues.

Academy Award Nominations
February 11, 2022

Matthew Socey has thoughts on the Academy Award nominations, reviews Death on the Nile and Marry Me, some video releases and then grab a pencil...

The Return of Grab a Pencil
February 04, 2022

Matthew pays tribute to recently deceased folks in the cult film world, some video titles and then Grab a Pencil...

Filmmaker Robert Mugge
January 28, 2022

Matthew Socey has an epic chat with filmmaker Robert Mugge about the reissue of his documentary Deep Blues and what they have watched recently.

Majumdar & I
January 21, 2022

Matthew Socey has an epic chat with writer/TV personality/regular guest Simon Majumdar (Eat My Globe podcast). They discuss food in cinema and wonderfully go all over the place.