FileMaker Off The Record Podcast

Latest Episodes
E031 – Interview with Greg Price
Thomas and Teresa interview Greg Price from AL3 Technologies. We talk about working from home with your significant other, the ups and downs of sharing office and home life.
E030 – Discussing Pause with Luminfire and Gearbox
A chat with Marty Thomasson and Tim Cimbura about our time at Pause on Error October 2022
E027 – FileMaker Get… not Get() Functions.
After a brief comparison of the Delete Record menu option and the Delete Record script step we review all of the FileMaker Functions that start with Get..., not Get().
E026 – Working at Home During COVID-19
We give some advice and tips for working at home during the COVID-19 shutdown.
E025 – New Years FileMaker Resolutions
On the 25th episode Teresa and Thomas discuss their new years resolutions for future FileMaker development.
E024 – Medical Billing and Ticketing Chat
Tonight Teresa and Thomas have a chat about a couple of projects that we are working on including Medical Billing and a Theater Ticketing solution.
E023 – Coach Carol: Efficient Productivity Systems
Coach Carol from EPS-Time talks with us on this episode about the need for coaching and the special needs of ADD/ADHD entrepreneurs. You can download her free pdf at:
E022 – Daniel Shanahan New Leaf Data
On this episode we talked to Daniel from New Leaf Data and discussed his company, his focus and his recommendations for newer developers. Daniel was generous enough to offer a discount code for his FM Inventory Starter file that you can get using the ...