Fifty Shades of Gender

Fifty Shades of Gender

9. ALYS WILFRED #2: trans-masculine, non-binary, genderfluid

September 03, 2020

Alys Wilfred (or Fred, for short) is a writer, storyteller and folklorist. This is our second conversation, just over 20 months after our first conversation in December 2018, which was episode two of the podcast. Fred's pronouns are still they/them or xie/xir (or he/him if you insist), and they identify as trans-masculine, non-binary and genderfluid. We talk about the minor and major effects of testosterone (or T) injections including voice changes and mental health, body dysmorphia versus gender dysphoria, recovering from top surgery and being topless, options for bottom surgery (phalloplasty versus metoidioplasty or meta for short), and why the term ’sex change’ doesn’t do it justice. More on