Fairly Critical
Latest Episodes
The X-Men Movie Collection
This week, Luke is joined by a round table of fantastic guests (Tom Chansky, Emily Lind, Rashad Qasem, and Steve McMahan) to discuss the past, ...
Stranger Things: Chapter 6
Luke Leo continue the Stranger Things Season 2 recap with episode 6 "The Spy." Follow us on Twitter! @Fairly_Critical @lukecruser @TheLeoMainville
Stranger Things: Chapter 5
The Strange Train keeps rolling... Chapter 5: Dig Dug Did you bring your bat? Mike's dad knows nothing. El and Momma share brains. Lucas tries to be honest with Max. Twitter: Follow ...
Stranger Things: Chapter 4
Luke and Leo are back to continue their Stranger Things Season 2 breakdown. Chapter 4: Will the Wise Hopper heads to uncharted territory. Dart is up to no ...
The Last Jedi: A casual fan’s instant reaction [SPOILERS]
Luke and Leo met up to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi. FULL SPOILERS Luke (the SW addict) leads Leo (The Casual) though a fun Star Wars: ...
Stranger Things: Chapter 3
The Stranger Things Season 2 breakdown carries on with Chapter 3:The Pollywog. Bob knows how to swoon the ladies. Hopper shows us: sweet dance moves + dad ...
Stranger Things: Chapters 1 & 2
We breakdown Chapters 1 2 of the fantastic Stranger Things 2. Quick recap of season 1. Spoiler filled breakdown of chapters 1 2. Absent minded parents. Incredible costuming ...