Extremely UnladyLike
Latest Episodes
How to take criticism
This episode about how we or us as people take criticism in and use it for the better and how people use it for shading you
People intentons
This episode is about people who are just predicable may not want the best in you.
"I'm broken too"
broken personA person who is more than just fucked up someone who has had their heart broken and it is broken beyond repair. Someone so fucked up they would go back to the person who made them so broken and do it all over again
"fake woke"
wokeThe act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issueYeah most people don't care about parking spaces for families with disabled pets. I wish they were woke like me.
This episode is explaing what inspires me to be positive and what motivates me In the world
Time And Energy
this episode is about being stingy with who you let into your life whether its about friends ,family and relationships doesnt matter dont waste your time
Fucking shit up
This episode is about becoming a better person and where i wanna be having clear head making sure shit happens.