Hugh Culver

Hugh Culver

EE027 - Build your discipline muscles

January 17, 2014

This is one episode of my three part series about planning for the year.

In this episode I’m sharing thoughts on discipline – not something that people talk a lot about, but I think is super important. Think of discipline as the willpower that actually gets the work done, once you have your new shiny goals.

It’s discipline that makes it all happen.

If you admit you sometimes: back down on your BHAG goals, procrastinate (about anything), get easily distracted, break promises with yourself, or even mess up your diet, then you need to learn about discipline. BTW you can replace “discipline” with willpower, gumption, commitment, drive, or moxy (your pick!)

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • how discipline makes all the difference when mixed with your goals 
  • why discipline is like a muscle (that gets tired and can be built up)
  • 5 ways to build your discipline up
  • and why I HAD to ride my unicycle to the beach(!)

Links I mentioned:

Tell me what discipline muscle you are working on below!


Photo: CC-attribution-license-Flickr-Sabine-Mondestin


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