Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss...

Latest Episodes

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 25 – Part 2 – Dear Student…..Love, Your Teacher
March 23, 2020

Well, it's time for another group of teachers to share just how much they miss you and love you!  This one is full of antics and singing to let you know just how much we are waiting for you to come back to school again. -

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 24 – Dear Student…..Love, Your Teacher
March 19, 2020

This one is for the kids all around the world from their teachers. - At Ecole Good Shepherd School, we will be sending out a three part series of messages from teachers at our school to their students.  This episode features:  Mrs. Losoncy,

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 23 – Sibling Rivalry
March 18, 2020

If you have a sibling than this is a great one for you and your brother or sister to listen to.  In this episode, Rachel, Ryley, Olivia, and Avaya talk to their brothers and sisters, Joel, Lucia, Ashton, and Mason on ways to get  along better. -

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 22 – Top Of The Morn To Ya!
March 10, 2020

In this very green episode, Tyana, Kohl, and Kiera explore the history of St. Patrick's day. - Those leprechauns are also very tricky so the girls decided to reflect on how the leprechauns have tricked them in the past and then devise a plan to catch ...

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 21 – The Tent of Wonder
March 03, 2020

Have you ever just wondered for no reason at all?  Did you know that all of the world's amazing ideas came from the art of wondering? - In this week's episode, JulyAnn, Taylor and Melinda wonder out loud and teach us about the importance of taking tim...

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 20 – Weird?!
February 25, 2020

If you are into fart jokes and weird stuff than this podcast is one to listen to! - Morgan, Holly, Mia, and Emily bring the fun and talk about the importance of being weird. - Every new invention or great idea started with a unique, weird idea.

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 19 – Our Interview With Calgary Global News Anchor Dallas Flexhaug!
February 18, 2020

We look up to so many people and mentors and it's even better when they make time to come and talk with us. - Dallas is one of our mentors and we are so thankful that she visited us to give us a glimpse of how she got to where she is now,

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 18 – Peace and Quiet
February 11, 2020

Silence...It's peaceful isn't it?  All we need is some peace and quiet around here! - Haven't we all heard these statements before? - In this episode, Rachel, Ryley, Avaya, and Olivia look into Susan Cain's work on quiet and the power of introverts a...

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 17 – Nutrition is Everything!!
February 04, 2020

We love broccoli!  Broccoli?  Wait what?  Wow! - We had no idea how much food affects the way we think, act, and sleep.  In fact, our food choices affect everything that we do. - Madeleine, Niamh, and Erika look at how we should fuel our bodies and g...

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 16 – The Power of Positivity
January 28, 2020

Be happy!  Wouldn't it be nice if we could all easily wake up and just be happy?  Is it really that easy? - The boys, Owen, Trace, Aiden, and Tyson decided to look into these questions and found out that it is definitely not that easy.