Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss...

Latest Episodes

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 5 – An Interview With Author Lorna Schultz Nicholson
November 05, 2019

In this episode, we learn from Lorna who is an athlete, mother, radio show host, reporter, and now an author! - She speaks about her writing process, the importance of reading, and how writing has influenced her life.

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 4 – Finding Gratitude in the Small Things
October 29, 2019

Gratitude means being thankful, but it’s easy to be thankful about the big things in our life like family and friends.  It is harder to be thankful for the little things. - Little things like a smile from a friend,

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 3 – Failure
October 22, 2019

This episode talks about the importance of recognizing failure as a part of growth. It challenges us to face failure head on but then to move through it in order to develop strength. - The kids talk about power and how we sometimes give it away.

Even If You Miss... Season 1 Episode 2 - Control Your Life
October 15, 2019

This podcast was inspired by Rachel Hollis.  In this episode, we challenge you to make a choice to control your day, choose a positive mindset, work hard, make mistakes, but then get back up and try again. 

Even if You Miss… Season 1 Episode 1 – Show Up
October 04, 2019

It’s finally time for our kids to share their learning and wisdom with the world!  This is our very first episode and we are so excited to influence kids all around the world through our students from Ecole Good Shepherd school.
