Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 26 – Part 3 of 4 – Dear Student…..Love, Your Teacher

March 30, 2020

We are back with part 3 of our now 4 part series!  In this episode, Mr Wyant, Mme Brisbois, Mme Tsimaras, Mrs. Peraino, Mrs. Lewis, Ms. MacIsaac, Mrs Wilcox, Mme Killam, Mlle Kirkham, Mrs. MacWhirter, Mme Julien, Mrs. Alison, Mrs. Nori, Mlle Miousse, Mme Velders, Mme Scott, Mme Riley, Mme Keulen, Mrs. Dickie, Mlle Rendle, Mlle Boudreau, Mrs. Crandell, Mlle Coles, Mr Sprinkhuysen, and Mr. Lavery are here to send their messages of hope and love.

Life is amazing and then it is hard and then it is amazing again.  Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the hard stuff.  Remember we are a community and we are in this together.  This will pass and soon we will be together again.  In this time, work on your passions and choose joy and hope!