Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss...

Even If You Miss… Season 1 Episode 24 – Dear Student…..Love, Your Teacher

March 19, 2020

This one is for the kids all around the world from their teachers.

At Ecole Good Shepherd School, we will be sending out a three part series of messages from teachers at our school to their students.  This episode features:  Mrs. Losoncy, Mlle Fitzpatrick, Mlle Dubois-Jolin, Mlle Deon, Mrs. Clisdell, Mrs Scalia, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs. Aiello, Mrs. Harding, Mr. Kommes, Mr. Lorenz, Mr. Lavery, and Mrs. Hempel.

We want all the kids around the world to know how much teachers miss them and so this is a must listen for your kids!  We are all in an uncertain time right now so this message might be exactly what your child needs to know how much they are loved.  Teachers will also talk about some other things that kids can learn about and where they can go if they are feeling sad.
Dear Student, We miss you and love you.  Love, Your Teacher.