The Erick and Brad Show

The Erick and Brad Show

Episode 49

March 28, 2021

We experienced some technical difficulties which forced us to record a half hour of the show, then delete it and restart, so its a little crazy in the studio today! Brad has been spending too much money lately and needs to slow down, we discuss an idea of what to do when we miss an episode in May, we talk about Elon Musk possibly being an alien, we briefly talk movies and music in movies, Brad talks about women being "home-makers", and he learned what wet nurses are and we talk about wet nurses and the rise and fall of the wet nurse industry, Erick talks about the Zone Of Death in Idaho and how you could commit felonies there and get away with it, Brad is mad at IQ tests since he took another one, Erick used to worry about acne on his body but realizes it isnt something to worry about since girls love popping zits, Brad plays a tiktok he saw and we talk about girl-gamers playing against guys in e-sports and if they should be separate or not, then we talk a bunch about the internet, URLs, and more.  intro - try so hard - aves outro - easy money - rex banner email the show at Erick and Brad on YouTube: Erick and Brad on Apple Podcasts: Erick and Brad on Spotify: