Entreliquor by jrgmyr • Anchor Feed
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028 - Welcome Back - Stop OVER-THINKING ... just do it - Anchor 3.0 !
Latest episode of Entreliquor by jrgmyr • Anchor Feed
026 - Truffle Pig Berlin -
Hwo to grow you bar from small to bigger. Check out www.entreliquor.net
025 The Entreliquor is back
check out www.entreliquor.net - the livestream tonight for the radio show is https://www.radioeins.de/livestream/index.html we start at 19.00 - me will be at 20.00 tonight. My german podcast on drinks and bars you find here: www.trinken.jrgmyr.net
024 Crystal Clear Ice Ice Baby
www.entreliquor.net. Me and many Bartenders love „Speciality“ ice and cristal clear blocks. But: Do not underestemate side costs and handling process. What is your „ice programm“? Produce in house or buy ? Hoshizali Ice Ball M
023 Barmanagers Education ?
Please send me your feedback on „ Whats missing in the Barmanagers education?“. www.entreliquor.net
022 Retire? Just love to work
Ben ask - who to retire as a bar owner ... I love the idea of never retire and work till I die
020 - Job Interviews
What people you look for working in your bar ? Whats important for you in the CV and the interview ...? www.entreliquor.net
019 Inventory Control Systems
Would love to heat your experience on that... www.gastrofix.com www.billbox.com