Embrace Your Center
Latest Episodes
EYC001 Surviving the Holidays and Other Special Occasions
Surviving the Holidays and Other Special Occasions by Julie Blackburn, LCPC, NCC, ATR We are talking about surviving the holidays and other special occasions on this episode of Embracing Your Center.
EYC006 Circle of Support
Have you ever wondered why you feel disconnected from your circle of support? Learn how to reconnect to them in this podcast episode about your Circle of Support. Show Notes: How is your support syst
Be Carefree, Find Fun
Be carefree, find fun… What a concept! This can seem out of reach when we are in the midst of…
Darkness into the Light Series
The Darkness into Light Series of Positive Intentions focuses on the journey from sorrow and pain to acceptance and growth.…
Life in Metaphor
Understanding your personal metaphors that you choose to describe your life can give you great insight to how you are...
EYC005 Reconnecting Love Relationships
Welcome to Embrace Your Center where we focus on topics surrounding fertility, perinatal and grief issues. Today we are talking about reconnecting with our love relationships through the family buil
EYC004 Alive and Colorful Meditation
EYC004 Alive and Colorful Meditation Written by: Julie Blackburn, LCPC Sit back, relax and take some time for you. This…
EYC003 Self Care, Self Love and Reclaiming Joy
Self Care, Self Love and Reclaiming Joy written by: Julie Blackburn, LCPC, NCC, ATR You have been trying to conceive…
EYC002 Basics of Grief
Sometimes when we have a basic understanding of what we are experiencing, it becomes a little more bearable. Learning and…