Elder Law Issues

Latest Episodes
To Decline or Disclaim: What’s the Difference?
We occasionally talk with clients (and others) about choosing to decline or disclaim. Why would someone choose to decline or disclaim, and what's the difference? Those (related) questions often confuse people. In this week's podcast episode, we try to exp
Dispute Resolution for Trustees and Personal Representatives
If you are acting as personal representative of an estate, or as trustee, you might want to know how you can facilitate dispute resolution. Good news: Arizona law gives you a couple of good dispute resolution tools. Let us explain what they are and how th
Your Out-of-State Real Estate and Your Estate Plan
If you have any interest in out-of-state real estate, it can significantly complicate your estate planning process. Why? Because one primary motivation in estate planning is to avoid probate. And real estate in two (or more) different states makes it more
We Know That Furniture and Accessories Matter to Our Clients
Furniture and accessories matter in a law office like ours. Of course we want to have attractive and functional fixtures. But we also recognize that our client base includes people with various kinds of limitations. We also know that we need to accommodat
Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) January Update
Very recently we updated our audience about the surprising changes in the Corporate Transparency Act. That's the federal law that requires owners of limited liability companies (LLCs), family limited partnerships (FLPs) and other entities to file a form w
When We See One Spouse Becoming Incapacitated
Too often we see one spouse of a client couple becoming incapacitated. Of course it's also one of the things we help plan for, but it still causes problems. Problems for the well spouse, naturally. But also problems for the couple's lawyers.It's not abo
How Will the 2024 Election Affect Estate Planning?
The 2024 election is over. But 2025 was already going to be a confusing year for estate planning, and that promises to be even more true now. We talk about what might happen -- recognizing that it's all speculation at this point -- under a new administrat
Corporate Transparency Act Update
In this week's podcast, we give you a Corporate Transparency Act update. The CTA is still set to require nearly every LLC and small corporation, plus many other family business entities, to file identifying information before December 31 of this year. But
Jordan Young, Lawyer
Longtime Fleming & Curti, PLC, law clerk Jordan Young is a lawyer. For now, a young lawyer.She's been working with and for us for almost two years -- all through her last year of law school, studying for the bar and waiting for results. But now she's an
Naming Multiple Fiduciaries in Your Estate Plan
Our clients often want to name multiple fiduciaries -- trustees, agents, personal representatives, etc. -- in their estate planning documents. We try to encourage them to just name one, or to name their children in sequence rather than making them co-fidu