Ed Infinitum

Latest Episodes
Season 5, Episode 1 – A more perfect union?
Season 5, Episode 1 - A more perfect union? - We kick off our new season with a look at this history, victories, drawbacks and challenges of teachers unions over the last century and a half in US publ
S4E13 – Tough times for teaching and learning
S4E13 - Tough times for teaching and learning - Even before the Omicron variant reared its ugly head, teachers were resigning in unprecedented numbers this fall. This episode, our season finale, expl
Season 4, Episode 12: Do we actually have the right to an education?
Season 4, Episode 12: Do we actually have the right to an education? - The United States prides itself on being the first country to institutionalize and make mandatory free, taxpayer funded public ed
Season 4, Episode 11: Suspension and Disbelief
Season 4, Episode 11: Suspension and Disbelief - How and why do schools suspend students from classes? What is the impact, and what are the alternatives? - Sources for this episode. - Next episode wil
Season 4, Episode 10 – Woman with a plan: The story of Helen Parkhurst and Dalton
Season 4, Episode 10 - Woman with a plan: The story of Helen Parkhurst and Dalton - This episode describes the dynamic career of teacher and school reformer Helen Parkhurst, whose life's mission wa
S4E9 – The Great Homework Debate
S4E9 - The Great Homework Debate - Is homework a vital tool for learning, a useless exercise in child torture, or something else entirely? This episode explores that question! - Sources for this episo
S4E8 – Lost and Found: Addressing COVID “Learning Loss”
S4E8 - Lost and Found: Addressing COVID "Learning Loss" - Schools nationwide are grappling with this Fall's expected challenges of "learning loss" due to the past year of pandemic-affected learning. B
S4E7 – Food fight! The surprisingly contentious history of school lunch
S4E7 - Food fight! The surprisingly contentious history of school lunch - Behind the pizza boats and tater tots lies an epic saga of conflict. Grab your tray and settle in as we explore the history of
S4E6 – What is the purpose of public education in the USA?
S4E6 - What is the purpose of public education in the USA? - What do we want from public schools, and how does that answer vary depending on whom, in our very divided nation, you ask? In this episode,
S4E5 – Project Based Learning: Promises and Perils
S4E5 - Project Based Learning: Promises and Perils - Project Based Learning is often touted, yet too infrequently practiced, in US public schools. This episode (our 50th!) addresses the questions of just what is PBL,