Black Authors Network Talk Show

Black Authors Network Talk Show

Book Release Party: Praying My Way Out of the Struggle by Sierra J.D.

May 16, 2016

Author Sierra J.D. is a wife and mother, living in her home state of Louisiana. Sierra found her love of writing at twelve years old when she was first introduced to poetry in Junior High School. She enjoyed crafting stories into poems and a few years later wrote her first novel. Writing allowed Sierra to escape depression during her adolescence and she has since created a goal to make a career out of her passion of writing. With her collegiate degrees giving her the skills and foundation needed to be a successful business woman, Author Sierra J.D. has decided to enter the literary world as an author and Independent Publisher.

Praying My Way Out of the Struggle

Most people have a special place in their hearts for their hometown, but with 18-year-old Trina Capone, it's the complete opposite. Trina despises Baton Rouge, where she has been born and raised. Following the divorce of her parents, Trina has had to take on the responsibility of being the woman of the house, including raising the siblings left to her when her mother becomes addicted to drugs. All Trina wants to do is graduate high school. But one thing after another happens ...that could either break her or make her into the woman she desires to be - all things opposite of her crack-fiend mother. Little does Trina know, the very city that she couldn't wait to get away from becomes the city she doesn't want to leave. As a person who has never accepted the love of God before, the Almighty leaves her speechless and craving for more of his tender love and mercy.