The Dworkin Report

The Dworkin Report

Former judge slams GOP Rep for posting photo with his alt-right Trump supporter

August 10, 2018

Scott interviews former judge Mary Barzee-Flores who is the Democratic candidate in Florida’s 25th Congressional district in Miami about her Republican opponent Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, who posted a photo of himself on his official government Twitter account with an alt-right Trump supporter wearing a”Proud Boys” t-shirt. They are listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and one of the Proud Boys’ most offensive members helped organize last year’s Tiki Torch Nazi Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia where Heather Heyer was murdered in cold blood by a neo-Nazi plowing his car into a crowd of counter-protesters. Today, Jerry Iannelli at the Miami New Times caught the fifth-year Congressman sharing the offensive image on his official account from a rally against Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega.


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