Dweeb the People

Dweeb the People

Preacher Podcast – S01E10: Call and Response

August 01, 2016

Join us as we discuss Preacher, S01E10: Call and Response.
Dee – 4.8
Steven – 4.7
Randy – 5
Favorite Moment
Dee – Mascot and indian suicide
Steven – god scene – WINNER
Randy – “no rain” montage
Variant Comic Cover


Show Notes
Dogma – Go watch it. It’s homework
The Big Lebowski – Go watch it. It’s homework
Johnny cash – hurt video

Johnny Cash – Hurt (Video) by gatorcountryboy1
Sad kermit – hurt

Kermit sings NIN’s Hurt by PimpDaddyB
Here’s a link to all of Steven’s Quakecon wallpapers